Essentials of Summer Fitness

With so much daylight and warm weather to enjoy for the next few months, we thought it the perfect time to discuss some ways you can make the most of the season, and how to do so while staying safe and energized.
So whether you're more into moving or building strength (or maybe both), here are some strategies and suggested items to help you along the way this summer.
Summer Cardio
Everyone has their own "happy place", a routine or getaway spot where they can get moving and into the zone. There's no one right exercise, and that's the beauty of getting outdoors - it opens up so many more options than just your treadmill or indoor bike.
I personally have a couple of things I like to do, including daily late evening walks over a shorter preset route within my neighborhood when the temperature has (hopefully) dropped below 20c, and occasional longer hikes of around 10km on a nice trail system. Fitness apps keep me motivated as I can keep track of progress and step count. Every now and then I'll change the route up, and the variation between them or between pavement vs forest trails keeps the mind engaged and keeps it fun.
When hitting the trails, there are a few things that are important to do or have on hand. The first step should always be to check the weather and UV conditions, and plan and dress appropriately.
The right kind of apparel is crucial for comfort and protection. Consider investing in gear like good shoes and hat and a backpack where you can store sunscreen, food & drink, tech such as phone/camera, and clothing. As a bonus, the weight of a backpack creates a bit of extra caloric expenditure for added gainz!
Picsil Maverick Tactical 40L Backpack
Staying Hydrated with Electrolytes
With the summer heat comes increased sweat and the need for proper hydration. While water will keep you alive, it's not necessarily the best for keeping you functioning optimally under demanding conditions. This is where specially formulated hydration drinks or electrolyte mixes come in.
Electrolyte drinks are essential for replenishing minerals lost during intense workouts, whether you're jogging, running, or engaging in prolonged physical activity of any kind, really. Look for drinks that contain potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium, at minimum.
Cwench is a new brand on the market that checks all these boxes and then goes above and beyond, with added BCAAs plus zinc, chloride and bicarbonate, for improved pH balance, immune function, wound healing and more. Right now it's available in Blue Raspberry, Rainbow Swirl, Cherry Lime and Berry Crush flavors.
Cwench Sports Hydration Mix (Various Flavors)
Gear for Outdoor Workouts
Summer is the ideal time to integrate specific gear and accessories that are almost better to use outside than inside.
For example:
- A few good vinyl dipped dumbbells will make a good companion for many exercises while also staying weatherproof. You don't have to worry about them rusting if exposed to moisture or left outdoors.
- The breeze created by a jump rope hits different when you're out in the fresh air - plus - no one will complain about the noise of you hopping around.
- Pushup/paralette bars change your range of motion and targeted muscle groups, but also allow you to keep your hands free from nasty dirt and debris.
- A weight vest or other wearable weight will add extra challenge to jungle gym workouts and more.
- A sled is great to load some plates on and push or pull around for conditioning. Outdoors is a much bigger playground for this sort of activity.
York Vinyl Dipped Dumbbell (1-15 lbs)
Creating an Outdoor Strength Gym
Who says your workout space needs four walls? Nature's gym is right in your backyard. Find a sturdy tree branch or beam and set up a portable pulley system! Attach plates or any random heavy object you have laying around, maybe add some suspension handles, and in no time flat you'll have dozens of exercises available to build any muscle group.
Ironax Lat & Lift Pulley System
Tips for Exercising in the Heat
While summer workouts offer plenty of benefits, it's crucial to exercise caution in the heat. Here's a summary of safety tips to keep in mind, some of which we've mentioned:
- Time Your Workouts: Schedule outdoor activities during cooler times of the day, such as early morning or late evening if possible.
- Stay Hydrated: Drink water before, during, and after your workout. Consider sipping on electrolyte drinks for longer sessions.
- Protect Your Skin: Wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to shield yourself from harmful UV rays.
- Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to signs of overheating or heat stroke, such as dizziness, headache or excessive sweating. Take breaks as needed and find shade when possible.
- Adjust Intensity: Modify your workout intensity to accommodate the heat. It's okay to scale back if conditions are particularly hot or humid.
Most of us want to focus on R&R during summer, but embracing these months to accomplish fitness goals can be inspiring, invigorating and rewarding. By investing in the right gear as well as prioritizing safety and well-being, you'll get the most out of it and be able to focus on enjoying the outdoors rather than deal with frustrations which can come with new environments when one isn't fully prepared.
Get out there and have fun, and remember AKFIT is here to help you with your goals. Reach out to us today for all your fitness needs!