The Lat Pulldown and Seated Row machine combines the two most popular back exercises into one modern design. The traditional Lat Pulldown bar can be adjusted to the user’s preferred height. While in the Seated Row position, foot braces aid with stabilization, and storage hooks secure the pulldown bar when not in use.
Premium bevelled pads with sport stitching
Premium strength cables
Low-profile, modern design
200 lb Weight Stack
5 lb Increment Weight
10 lb Top Plate
10 x 10 lb Plates
6 x 15 lb Plates
Pulley Ratio: 1:1 Weight
Premium Strength Cables
Heavy Gauge Steel Frame
Low Profile Design
High-Quality Electrostatic Powder Coat Finish
Fully Enclosed Weight Stack
10 Years Frame
5 Years Bushings, Bearings, Shocks, Pulleys, Guide Rods
1 Year Paint and Finishes, Cables, Grips, Counter/Timer, Pull-Pin Components, Rail Wheels, Attachments, All Other Parts Not Mentioned
6 Months Upholstery
1 Year Labour
Set-Up Dimension: 71" L x 47.8" W x 89.4" H
Assembled Unit Weight: 550.8 lb
Max User Weight Capacity: 360 lb
Rep/Time Counter (2 C Batteries required, not included)
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